January 23, 2009
Milwaukee Bucks donate 217 MLK flags to the Milwaukee Public School District for Black History Month
With Black History Month just around the corner, the Milwaukee Bucks wanted to show their appreciation by letting students know about the importance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
To show them how meaningful King was, Bucks players purchased MLK flags for each Milwaukee Public School and presented the flags at halftime of their huge 133-99 win over the Dallas Mavericks on Wednesday.
The halftime presentation included 12 students from the Wisconsin Conservatory of Lifelong Lerning (WCLL) ranging from third grade all the way through 12th grade. All Bucks players were at center court to unveil the colorful flag, which had an image of the historical civil rights leader's face on it. MPS Superitendent William Andrekopoulos was also there to witness the event and appreciated the Bucks good deeds of providing flags for all MPs schools.
"I think it's good that the players recognize that they see themselves in our children," Andrekopoulos said."The Bucks know that our children our the future. And for them to invest in and support our kids is a great thing."
"This flag will be history for them," said Bucks guard Ramon Sessions. "I feel like kids need to know a lot more about what King did. When I was growing up, we really didn't touch on it as much as I would have liked to know about it, but as I got older I learned more. It's definitely something you should teach kids and it's part of history.*
The flags were designed to promote awareness and create open dialogue to remember the legacy and teachings of MLK. The Bucks presented the flags just a few days after king's birthday and in advance of february's black History Month. The halftime ceremony also came a day after the contry saw it's first African-American president , Barack obama sworn into office.
"I Think it's important to be involved in our children and to show them that Dr. king's dream is alive,"
Anderkopoulos said. " I think it's important for them to understand. Emulate and respect what his vision was, and to have the Bucks and this community come together to support the children in helping them visualize the dream. I think it's a wonderful thing. Student at the halftime ceremony also believe that knowing what king about is essential to their growth.
"Dr. King changed a lot of things America,"said Prentive Williams, a 10th grader at WCLL. "I think it's important that everyone should know what he did to make the country what it is today. All student should know about his accomplishments. People with different skin colors probably wouldn't have equal right if it wasn't for him."
"He opened the doors to a lot of minorities, "Sessions added. It really doesn't matter what what color you are when it comes to Dr.king. He was just trying to set an example for the whole country. I just wish he was here to see some of the things he helped build. He opened the gates for a lot of people."
With flags being located at every institution in the MPS system, Andrekopoulos said the rectangular pieces of cloth will be very infonmative and will affect the students' perception of king.
"I thinks they'll have a big effect because they'll be there first-hand,"Anderkopoulos said. "Students will see them , and I think that will give them a good chance to visualize King's history. I think that in light of what happened in our country Tuesday [with obama becoming president], it's proof that you can dream them can come true. I think our kids will really understand that and put that in perspective."
Thanks to the Bucks player , over 200 schools full of students will be reminded of king's dream. Will be reminded of king's dream.